
The QUANTIFISENS alliance brings together 11 companies, including two start-ups, seven SMEs and two large companies, as well as two non-university institutes. All alliance partners have the ambition to use the joint technological developments along the innovation base to increase their competitiveness, expand existing market positions and open up new markets.

The incre­asing com­ple­xi­ty of the requi­red fiber sen­sor tech­no­lo­gy and new requi­re­ments in the rapidly deve­lo­ping field of quan­tum tech­no­lo­gy appli­ca­ti­ons, as well as the demand for omni­func­tion­al aspects from (new) cus­to­mers, requi­re signi­fi­cant­ly stron­ger net­wor­king of the part­ners in rese­arch and appli­ca­ti­on. The mul­ti­la­te­ral asso­cia­ti­on in the alli­ance allows to effec­tively use the poten­ti­al of the part­ners for buil­ding a com­mon inno­va­ti­on base adapt­ed to the future requi­re­ments of the market.


SeatRelev. Core competenceRole in the project
FBGS Tech­no­lo­gies Ltd.JenaPro­cess deve­lo­p­ment for UV laser-based inscrip­ti­on tech­no­lo­gies Struc­tu­ring and sys­tem integrationUsers for fiber navi­ga­ti­on tech­no­lo­gies with aug­men­ted reality
Fraun­ho­fer IOFJenaPro­cess deve­lo­p­ments for pulse shape sta­bi­li­ty and for non­line­ar inter­fe­ro­me­tryCon­s­truc­tion of fiber lasers Pro­cess deve­lo­p­ment for quan­tum ima­ging and con­s­truc­tion of pho­ton pair sources Sys­tem inte­gra­ti­on Rese­arch managementDeve­lo­pers in the field of laser sys­tems for quan­tum appli­ca­ti­ons Addres­sing new mar­kets in the field of quan­tum technologies
Acti­ve Fiber Sys­tems GmbHJenaPro­cess deve­lo­p­ment and con­s­truc­tion of cus­to­mer-spe­ci­fic ultras­hort pulse laser sys­tems Sys­tem integrationDeve­lo­pers in the field of laser sys­tems for quan­tum appli­ca­ti­ons Addres­sing new mar­kets in the field of quan­tum technologies
ADVA Opti­cal Net­wor­king SEMei­nin­genPro­cess deve­lo­p­ment for time-of-flight mea­su­re­ment of opti­cal signals via cross-cor­re­la­ti­on Sys­tem integrationTech­no­lo­gy Deve­lo­p­ment Cor­re­la­ti­on OTDR Event Detec­tion Noise Reduc­tion Laser Phase Sys­tem Integration
Batix Soft­ware GmbHSaal­feldPro­cess deve­lo­p­ment of com­plex data manage­ment solu­ti­ons (smart data manage­ment) incl. Data collection/consolidation Trans­mis­si­on Pro­ces­sing and storageSoft­ware deve­lo­p­ment aug­men­ted rea­li­ty and inter­ac­ti­ve demo appli­ca­ti­on­De­ve­lo­p­ment cloud stra­tegy con­cept com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty stra­tegy data manage­ment plan
c/o SMA Dev. GmbH
JenaPro­cess Deve­lo­p­ment for Com­plex Data Pipe­line­s­Da­ta Sci­ence Frame­work for Auto­ma­ted Sen­sor Data Pro­ces­sing and AI EvaluationDeve­lo­p­ment of cloud-based soft­ware baseE­vent and pat­tern reco­gni­ti­on com­bi­na­to­ri­al data ana­ly­sis and AI-based noise reduction.
GRINTECH GmbHJenaPro­cess deve­lo­p­ment for the pro­duc­tion of high-qua­li­ty gra­di­ent index (GRIN) len­ses and lens systemsTech­no­lo­gy deve­lo­p­ment for fiber- and GRIN lens-based pro­bes for medi­cal technology
hera­cle GmbHJenaPro­cess deve­lo­p­ment and pro­duc­tion of cus­to­mi­zed spe­cial glass fiber solutionsAna­ly­sis of new con­cepts in fiber sen­sor technology
LASOS Laser Tech­no­lo­gy GmbHJenaPro­cess deve­lo­p­ment and pro­duc­tion of cus­to­mi­zed laser sys­tems / solid-state and gas lasers Sys­tem integrationDeve­lo­p­ments in the field of laser sys­tems for quan­tum appli­ca­ti­ons Addres­sing new mar­kets in the field of quan­tum technologies
Leib­niz Insti­tu­te for Pho­to­nic TechnologiesJenaPro­cess deve­lo­p­ment for fiber pro­duc­tion, coa­ting and structuringAppli­ed rese­arch & deve­lo­p­ment Deve­lo­p­ments in the field of fiber tech­no­lo­gy appli­ca­ti­ons; tech­no­lo­gy plat­form for future rese­arch projects
LUNA Inno­va­tions Ger­ma­ny GmbHColo­gnePro­cess deve­lo­p­ment for OTDR-based mea­su­re­ment sys­tems with clas­si­cal data pro­ces­sing stra­te­gies Sys­tem integrationTech­no­lo­gy deve­lo­p­ment OTDR with AI sup­port Deve­lo­per of assem­blies, e.g. for backscat­ter detec­tion Sys­tem inte­gra­ti­on mul­ti­sen­sor DFOS
Pre­ci­Point Inno­va­ti­on Ltd.Wil­den­springPro­cess deve­lo­p­ment for digi­tal micro­sco­py solu­ti­ons incl. Hard­ware, con­trol and ana­ly­sis soft­ware, cloud plat­form Sys­tem integrationDeve­lo­p­ment of an omnifunctional/multimodal micro­sco­py plat­form Con­trol electronics/software Data for­mats Hard­ware-soft­ware infrastructure
Quan­tum Optics Jena GmbHJenaPro­cess deve­lo­p­ment for quan­tum ima­ging and con­s­truc­tion of pho­ton pair sources Sys­tem integrationDeve­lo­p­ment of quan­tum sources incl. Elec­tro­nics and design Assem­bly methods Sys­tem integration